
The StoreInterface describes, which methods a store implementation has to provide. We propose to implement it in other languages if you need a store implementation, to have the best compatibility between different implementations.



Returns a list of all available graph URIs of the store. It also can include access control, to check if the user has the rights to see certain graphs.

Parameter: none

Return value: Array, which contains available graph URI’s, whereby the keys and values are graph URIs.


Adds multiple Statements to (default-) graph.


  • statements: \Saft\Sparql\StatementList
    • statements must contain Statement instances.
    • Statement instances must be concrete- and not pattern-statements, such as ?s ?p ?o.
    • In case statements is empty, nothing will be added.
  • graphUri: string (optional, Standard is null)
    • In case you wanna add Triples (Statement instance contains s, p and o):
      • Set parameter graphUri to determine the graph all the statements has to add to. If graphUri is invalid (empty or not a valid URI or graph is not available), nothing will be added.
    • In case you wanna add Quads (Statement instance contains s, p, o and graph):
      • In a quad the target graph is determined. But if you want to override that behavior, you can set graphUri parameter. In that case all statements of statements will be added to the graph defined by graphUri.
  • options: array (optional, standard is empty array, e.g. array())
    • This parameter contains key-value pairs and should provide additional introductions for the store and/or its adapter(s).

Return value: Returns true, if function performed without errors. In case an error occur, an exception will be thrown.


Removes all statements from a (default-) graph which match with given statement.


  • statement: \Saft\Sparql\Statement
    • It can be either a concrete or pattern-statement.
    • A concrete statement is considered with subject, predicate and object are defined, e.g. http://foobar/.
    • A pattern statement is considered with at least one of subject, predicate or object is a pattern, e.g. ?s.
  • graphUri: string (optional, Standard is null)
    • In case you wanna delete Triples (Statement instance contains s, p and o):
      • Set parameter graphUri to determine the graph where all the statements will be deleted. If graphUri is invalid (empty or not a valid URI or graph is not available), nothing will be deleted.
    • In case you wanna add Quads (Statement instance contains s, p, o and graph):
      • In a quad the target graph is determined. But if you want to override that behavior, you must set graphUri parameter, so all matching statements of that graph will be deleted instead.
  • options: array (optional, standard is empty array, e.g. array())
    • This parameter contains key-value pairs and should provide additional introductions for the store and/or its adapter(s).

Return value: Returns true, if function performed without errors. In case an error occur, an exception will be thrown.


It gets all statements of a given graph which match the following conditions: - statement’s subject is either equal to the subject of the same statement of the graph or it is null. - statement’s predicate is either equal to the predicate of the same statement of the graph or it is null. - statement’s object is either equal to the object of a statement of the graph or it is null.


  • statement: \Saft\Sparql\Statement
    • It can be either a concrete or pattern-statement.
    • A concrete statement is considered with subject, predicate and object are defined, e.g. http://foobar/.
    • A pattern statement is considered with at least one of subject, predicate or object is a pattern, e.g. ?s.
  • graphUri: string (optional, Standard is null)
    • In case you wanna get Triples (Statement instance contains s, p and o):
      • Set parameter graphUri to determine the graph where you wanna get triple-statements from. If graphUri is invalid (empty or not a valid URI or graph is not available), you will get nothing.
    • In case you wanna add Quads (Statement instance contains s, p, o and graph):
      • In a quad the target graph is determined. But if you want to override that behavior, you must set graphUri parameter, so that you will get all matching statements of that graph.
  • options: array (optional, standard is empty array, e.g. array())
    • This parameter contains key-value pairs and should provide additional introductions for the store and/or its adapter(s).

Return value: Returns an instance of \Saft\Sparql\StatementList which contains \Saft\Sparql\Statement instances of all matching statements of the given graph.


Returns true or false depending on whether or not the statements pattern has any matches in the given graph.


  • statement: \Saft\Sparql\Statement
    • It can be either a concrete or pattern-statement.
    • A concrete statement is considered with subject, predicate and object are defined, e.g. http://foobar/.
    • A pattern statement is considered with at least one of subject, predicate or object is a pattern, e.g. ?s.
  • graphUri: string (optional, Standard is null)
    • In case you wanna check for Triples (Statement instance contains s, p and o):
      • Set parameter graphUri to determine the graph where to match triple-statements. If graphUri is invalid (empty or not a valid URI or graph is not available), no matching will be done.
    • In case you wanna check for Quads (Statement instance contains s, p, o and graph):
      • In a quad the target graph is determined. But if you want to override that behavior, you must set graphUri parameter, so that it match statements of that graph.
  • options: array (optional, standard is empty array, e.g. array())
    • This parameter contains key-value pairs and should provide additional introductions for the store and/or its adapter(s).

Return value: Returns true if at least one match was found, false otherwise.


Get information about the store and its features.

Parameter: none

Return value: Array which contains information about the store and its features.


This method sends a SPARQL query to the store.


  • query: string
    • The SPARQL query to send to the store.
  • options: array (optional, standard is empty array, e.g. array())
    • This parameter contains key-value pairs and should provide additional introductions for the store and/or its adapter(s).

Return value: Returns result of the query. Depending on the query type, it returns either an instance of \Saft\Sparql\NTupleList, which contains n-tuples or \Saft\Sparql\TripleList, which contains triples.

Throws: Exception

  • If query is not a valid string.
  • If query is malformed according to SPARQL 1.0 and SPARQL 1.1 standard.