RDF core component
The Saft RDF library provides interfaces for the basic RDF concepts, such as Node (Named Node/URI-Resource, Literal, Blanknode) and Statement (Triple and Quad). Additionally the StatementIterator provides a data structure for just holding a list of Statements.
Main interfaces
We provide interfaces which describe basic RDF concepts, such as a node. For each interface we alsow provide a standard implementation. If you need to change the behavior of a standard implementation, just extend it or create a fresh class which implements the related interface(s).
List of RDF specific interfaces: * Node * Literal * NamedNode * BlankNode * Statement * AnyPattern
Each has a related classes, suffixed with Impl, e.g. NamedNodeImpl. That is a standard implementation and is ready to use. It reflects the requirements for each RDF entity. For instance, a NamedNode needs to be an URI. If its not, the instantiation will fail (exception will be thrown).
Saft internally only checks for the interfaces to be implemented, not for certain classes. Because of that approach, you are able to provide your own implementation without working against Saft. That was the case for the Redland addition. They handled RDF data a certain way and using this approach, we could implement a wrapper for Redland specific stuff to be able to use that library inside of Saft. That said, you really should not rely on a certain implementation rather to implement it yourself. Our Impl-classes may change in the near future, only the interface will remain stable.
There are a few examples to help you understand how the stuff is working.